metal spinning metal spinning

Dental and Medical Sector
One area of expertise for Ladbrook has been in the supply of components to the medical sector. These projects have included such products as specialist lighting systems for dental and surgical installations and have included several large scale metal spinning based designs.

The Water Heating Industry
Ladbrook has a long history of suppling components to the water heating industry - for instant water heaters, power shower systems, emmersion heaters and boilers.

Hi Spec Scientific and Test Instrumentation
This is another area where Ladbrook have provided specialist spun metal components. Ladbrook is ISO 9001.2000 accredited and also works to several customer specified quality systems.

Hydraulic Systems
We currently make a range of components for some of the world's major players in the hydraulic systems industry. We are able to work from Solid Works, AutoCAD and a number of other software based design and modelling packages. We are also able to provide design and modelling services to clients needing this level of support.

metal spinning
metal spinning     metal spinning